Innovative Arthritis Relief Program
Do You Have Arthritis, Chronic Joint Pain, or Osteoarthritis?
If you have been told knee or shoulder replacement surgery is your only option, you may qualify for a breakthrough PAIN-FREE treatment that is helping people like you find relief from joint pain without pills or surgery.
Our innovative injection-based treatment utilizes an FDA-approved product that replenishes the lubricant in your joints that may have been lost over time or as a result of injury. This all-natural lubricant is introduced into the joint, where it creates a cushioning layer that protects the joint, helping it move smoothly and without pain.
This emerging treatment is covered by most insurance, including Medicare, and is considered by many to be the first major breakthrough for relieving joint pain in years!

Treatment Process
Thorough Exam of Your Joints with our experienced nurse practitioner. An X-ray will be performed to determine the extent of any joint damage. Additional tests may be appropriate if nerve damage is suspected. If additional imaging is needed (such as an MRI or CT scan), we will refer you to one of our trusted imaging centers nearby.
Referral To Our In-House Physical Therapist. During this initial visit, the nurse practitioner will refer you for physical therapy with one of our in-office physical therapists. You may also be fitted for a custom knee brace (I/A) that will benefit you throughout the program.
Scheduled for 1-2 arthrogram injections to ensure that the joint capsule(s) are intact and not torn. This is done by injecting a contrast dye into the joint so we can see the capsule on X-ray imaging.
Next, scheduled 1-2 times a week for 5 weeks for fluoroscopic guided (live x-ray) hyaluronic acid injections (a total of 5 injections per affected knee), followed by physical therapy. Ideally, these appointments will be scheduled for the same day for the best results.
Discharged from the program after the 5 injections. We will schedule you for a 3-month and 6-month follow-up appointment.
Another round of injections can occur after 6 months since the last hyaluronic acid injection.
Optional: Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) injections, which can begin the same day as your last hyaluronic acid injection.
PRP injections are done once a month over a 3-month period.
PRP injections, in combination with hyaluronic acid injections, can greatly enhance the overall outcome.
The DPRC Difference
Here are the main reasons why our treatment is so much more successful than the others:
We use different products such as Hyalgan/ Supartz/ Genvisc/ Orthovisc. They are much lighter hyaluronic acids, and because of that, they tend to get in between your joint space better than the thick gels.
The hyaluronic acid is injected 5 times in each affected joint, as opposed to 1 or 3 times like most doctors do. This is because we are attempting to get the body to produce the fluid again on its own, through repetition. The more injections, the better chance your body has in mimicking and self-producing again.
The use of fluoroscopic guided injections ensures that our doctor never has to perform a “blind injection.” Most doctors who administer these kinds of injections do so blindly. That means that although they may look at an x-ray of your knee, and feel around it a bit, they are still making an educated guess as to where they are placing the needle in your joint. Our nurse practitioner can see a live image of your joint on the screen, like an X-ray. This allows the nurse practitioner to place the tip of the needle directly into your joint capsule, where it needs to be.
The use of Physical therapy paired with the injections has been proven to increase the success rates of this treatment. By allowing your muscles and ligaments to strengthen around the joint, it takes off a lot of the pressure that causes inflammation. It also helps to keep your joint from freezing or sticking.
Our custom-fitted braces (for knees only) are weight-bearing and help to keep your joints separated after each injection or during any strenuous activity you might have to do in your personal life. We recommend that patients wear them at east 2-3 hours after each injection as it literally creates a joint space and allows the fluid to get in and do its job. We also recommend that patients wear it if they are going to be doing yard work or walking for longer distances. It can be worn comfortably under loose pants or overtop.
WE PUT OUR ALL into every aspect of this program to ensure that we see success. Other doctors do quick, 1-3 blind injections with no added support and see low success rates.

Your Program Timeline
Visit 1
Exam with Nurse Practitioner
Visit 2
Ensure joint capsule is intact
PT Evaluation
Visit 3
1st Injection
Brace Fitting (Knee Program)
PT Treatment​
Visit 4
PT Treatment
Visit 5
2nd Injection
PT Treatment
Visit 6
PT treatment
Visit 7
3rd Injection
PT Treatment
Visit 8
PT Treatment
Visit 9
4th Injection
PT treatment
Visit 10
PT Treatment
Visit 11
5th Injection
PRP Injection
PT treatment
Visit 12
PT Re-evaluation
PT treatment
PRP Injection
Visit 13 -15
PT treatments
Visit 16
PT Treatment
PT Evaluation
How Are We Different?
We take a comprehensive approach to your joint pain!
Full review of existing X-rays & MRIs
Onsite X-rays
Diagnostic Arthrogram to asses intact joint capsule
Fluoroscopy guided injections for accuracy
Series of 3-5 Pain-Free Injections
92.7% of patients report at least a 50% decrease in pain with increased function and mobility
Custom Knee Bracing
Personalized Full-Body Physical Therapy
Multidisciplinary approach

Why This Program Works...
At Denver Pain Relief Center, we specialize in cutting-edge programs for rejuvenating damaged arthritic joints. Our mission is to reduce pain, improve daily activities, and help patients avoid knee replacement surgery. Unlike typical doctors who perform these injections, we take a unique approach to visco supplementation (hyaluronic acid injection) that sets us apart as leaders in the field. Although visco supplementation has been around since 1996, our team has taken special care and attention to every aspect of treatment that makes ours so advanced today.